
It snowed here three days before we left for California on April 30th. Less than a month later, as I sit in my cabin and type this post, it is 87 degrees. Ahhhh…the ever-changing climate of New England! Although, if memory serves, May wasn’t typically this hot when we were growing up.  Plus, we grew up in Western Mass, about 180 miles south of here, where it is usually several degrees warmer than it is in the Northeast Kingdom. Ahhhh…global warming must be the culprit. (Hard to fathom right now that anyone really believes it’s all a hoax. But, no matter, whatever it is, I think we all agree it’s HOT.)

I’m not complaining. Once again we are reduced to the likes of drooling five-year-olds agape at Disneyland. The Clearing, for Eric and me, is by far the happiest place on earth. In fact, Disneyland would pretty much be the opposite, a cruel punishment for some terrible transgression, so not enamored of overpriced souvenirs, lines of sweaty tourists, consumerism, hot dogs, Coke and cotton candy, are we. (Okay, we do like churros.)  We were stunned (and nearly blinded!) by the vibrant and abundant shades of green that have over-taken the palette that was all browns and grays when we left at the height of mud season. And we liked that palette, too! Although, I think I did make the remark once or twice that sinking up to my ankles in muck wasn’t exactly my favorite feature of the Vermont life. To which Dr. Optimist immediately replied, “I love it!” Maybe I need to get a pair of mud boots like the ones he got from LL Bean. Then we can go skipping (well, maybe not exactly skipping – maybe more like wallowing) through the woods together, hand-in-hand, like two little pigs in…never mind.

Nature’s awakening in this part of the world is stunning. Things happen quickly. Buds appear, and in the twinkling of an eye, flowers.  Eric mowed the lawn on Wednesday, and it’s only Saturday and it needs mowing again. I’ve pointed and asked several times, “Did you mow that section over there?” He thinks I’m nagging, but honestly, I am simply incredulous. At the rate things are budding, sprouting, opening up, bushing out, springing to attention, we should be able to see all the changes with the naked eye. It’s as if nature is on a mission to grow at an exponential rate while there’s time. “Just do it!” “Get after it!” “Get the job done!” Inspiring, really. I need to finish my novel with such urgency, prepare for my I-level Tai Chi test in August with such single-minded purpose. Is Mother Nature sending me a not-so-subtle message? Seize the day! All of it. Make things happen. Waste not a minute. AND, don’t forget to stop and smell the tulips unfolding before your eyes. Just being quiet in nature is one of the most spirit-nourishing expenditures of time. I’ll think I’ll go find Eric and do that right now…


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Getting after it (again…till  Monday, maybe…)


6 thoughts on “Green”

  1. Wow, wild season changes. Seems it will be hot wherever we are. It’s too much to fathom or process, global warming. Yet, the sun seems to make pretty flowers bloom in a day where you are!

    Yes, Disneyland in the summer isn’t always the best place to be, unless you’re watching the Electrical Parade, with all its wonderful costumes. Who designed those? 😉 Heres a link:

  2. As usual, Patti, you paint pictures with your words! As for we Western MA residents, 91 degree days as it was today IS rather a bit much this early in the season, and our springtime seems to disappear as quickly as it comes the past few years. I believe eventually, we’ll be shoveling 4 inch snowfalls rather than 4 feet (works for me), and get more rain rather than snow, much as this past winter. Your home looks glorious in any weather, from what you’ve shared with all of us, and the setting seems perfect for such a poetic soul as yours. Looking forward to many more missives from The Clearing!

  3. Maureen, once again, thank you for your kind and complimentary words about my writing.

    I do have to say, more rain and less snow in winter sounds a bit dreary to me, but I haven’t been shoveling the white stuff off my sidewalk and driveway for the last 30-plus years like you have. Also, if there’s a blizzard coming, Eric and I can just make sure the coffers are full, and hunker in by the propane stove, and “let is snow, let it snow, let it snow.”

  4. I bet your 2 little boys were thrilled mom and dad, “Got after it!” And flew back to them, and Vermont!


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