
Email me at: pattiLwahlberg at

3 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. I last spoke with Eric just before your move to Vermont. I really would like to touch base with my old friend. We met at the Purdue Industrial Waste Conference back in the Clemson – Tom Keinath days. Eric and I shared state-point data including four facilities in Vermont where I was a professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

    Please forward my contact information to Eric. I would be delighted to receive a phone call or an email with current contact information.

    Warm regards,

    James Morris

  2. Hello, Patti (Ms. Wahlberg),
    I found your website/blog one evening recently when I once again turned my thoughts to The Clearing. The Clearing has lived in my dreams and memory since it went on the market several years ago. At the time, I was browsing property in Vermont and discovered the sale site. It was, in my mind, the perfect home (and it seems that you are enjoying it as thus, which makes me endlessly happy). At the time, my husband could not wrap his mind around moving to Vermont and settling in “the woods.” We were new parents, it would require leaving a familiar situation, and as he put it, “What are we going to do up there, in the middle of nowhere?” Several years have passed and he has spent time in VT,our daughter has fallen in love with the area, and I am once again imagining a life that would leave a legacy of activism and hope. Hence, my note to you. If, by chance, you and your husband ever decide to sell The Clearing, would you consider reaching out to us and allowing us the opportunity to make an offer? Everything about the property appeals to me: its history, its status as protected land, its location, the work that was done there with and for children and communities, the thought and care that went into the building of the home, its self sustainability, everything.

    Obviously, I hope that you live many, many more years, enjoying and nurturing the property and that someday, you leave it to your own children, but if you decide that is not best for you and your family, I hope you will reach out to me and my family and allow us the chance to continue its stewardship and potential.


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